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Toastmasters의 2번째 스피치: 스피치를 구조화 해라!

by 오지언니 2024. 1. 13.

스피치를 구조화 해라
스피치를 구조적으로 잘 짜보세요!


토스트마스터즈에서의 스피치에는 각 단계별 각기 다른 포커스를 두고 그에 맞추어 스피치를 준비하게 끔 합니다.
첫 레벨의 10단계를 거치면 수준이 하나씩 높아지는 단계로 접어들게 되는데요.
첫 번째에는 The Ice Breaker 자기소개를 먼저 합니다. 제가 지난번 포스팅에 올린 것처럼 말이죠. 오늘은 두 번째 단계이네요.


Toastmasters Speech series

1. The Ice Breaker

2. Organise your speech

3. Get to the point

4. Hot to say it

6. Vocal variety

7. Research your topic

8. Get comfortable with visual aids

9. Persuade with power

10. Inspire your audience


두 번째는 구조를 잘 갖춘 스피치를 만들어 보는 것입니다. 처음 스피치에서 저를 소개했고 이번엔 제가 하는 일, 즉 돕고 있는 이들이 누구인지, 스피치를 통해 소개하고자 했습니다.
난민과 멀티 컬처 커뮤니티를 돕고 있는 저로서는 난민들의 험난한 탈출 과정을 통해 난민들이 누구이며 왜 자국을 떠나야만 하는지, 얼마나 힘든 여정을 거쳐야 하는지, 누가 그들을 얼마나 돕는지 등 전반적인 이해와 인지도를 높이기 위해 글을 작성하기로 했습니다. 제가 하는 일을 통해 사람들은 저를 더 이해할 수 있고 또한 난민에 대한 잘못된 인식과 편견을 조금이나마 없앨 수 있는 스피치를 준비하고자 했습니다..  5-7 스피치 입니다.



그럼 두 번째 스피치, 스피치의 구조화란 무엇일까요?

주로 다음 세 가지의 기본 방법에 있습니다.

1. The classic: Three supporting point: 주로 많이 쓰는 방식이죠? 어떤 주제를 
이야기할지 소개한 후 그를 뒷받침할 주장을 본문에서 제시해 주는 방식입니다. 주로 3가지-5가지 정도로 예시를 들죠.

주제 1- 뒷받침하는 단락 1, 2, 3
Opening-Body (2-3개 주제들)-Conclusion

2. Chronological(연대, 시간 순):. 어떤 일이 발생한 순서대로, 진행 과정을 보여줄 때 주로 씁니다.


3. Geographical (지리학적 순): 지리학적으로 서로 비교 시 주로 쓰이는데 주로 여행 경로나 국가 간 지역 간 상품 비교 시 많이 쓰입니다.   


저는 스피치를 클래식한 방법으로 짜보았습니다..
My speech structure
1. Opening: 흥미 유발을 위해 
얼마 전 사진으로 유명해진 바닷가에 떠밀려온 아이의 모습을 보여줍니다.
state topic: 난민에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 난민 그들은 누구이며, 얼마나 많은지 그리고 3국에
 가기까지의 험난한 여정으로 본문 내용을 한계 짓습니다.

2. Body: 누가 난민이 되는 것인가, 그 여정을 얼마나 고된 것일까전 세계에 얼마나 많이 분포되어 있나, 누가 돕는 것일까
3. Conclusion: 난민을 돕고 
안 돕고의 옳고 그름의 문제가 아니라 그들이 본인 아니면 가족이라면 어땠을까라는 질문을 끝으로 스스로가 난민에 대한 생각을 할 수 있게끔 오픈 질문으로 마무리.


그럼 한번 보실까요누누이 말씀드리지만, 문법이나 표현이 서투른 곳도 있습니다. 샘플, 예시로 보시고 여러분의 것으로 재창조해보세요.



Title: Tough journey to Be a Refugee

Madam Toastmaster, fellow members and guests.  I am going to have my 2nd speech today.


You probably remember the shocking images of a drowned Syrian boy lying face-down on a beach near a Turkish resort in a failed attempt to sail to the Greek Island, escaping from the Islamic State in Syria. It happened around one and a half years ago. Can you recall? This tragic image of a little boy who lost his life was shocking and intensified worldwide attention to increasing refugee intake around the world.

There are a lot of topics and discussions around refugees, but because of limited time, I would like to focus on increasing our understanding of refugees: who they are, statistics, and their tough journey to become refugees to survive in a third country.

When we refer to a refugee, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), refugees are people who have been forced to flee their country because of persecution, war, violence, natural disasters, environmental crises, and poverty. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons such as who they are, their race, nationality, or membership of a persecuted group, or what they believe, such as their religion or political opinion. They may also leave because their government will not or cannot protect them from serious human rights abuses or meet their needs.

When you look at the statistics, it's unbelievable. The number of people forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict, generalized violence, and human rights violations was estimated at 65.3 million as of December 31, 2015. However, only 107,051 refugees, which is 0.66% of the world's total, were resettled. The top five countries of origin for refugees under UNHCR's mandate as of December 2015 were Syrian, Afghan, Somali, South Sudanese, and Sudanese.

 Now, you must be curious about how many refugees are coming to Australia. Oh, I should mention that refugees are different from asylum seekers. An asylum seeker is one who is seeking international protection but whose claim for refugee status has not yet been determined. In contrast, a refugee is someone who has been recognized under the 1951 Convention relating to the status of refugees as a refugee. Australia welcomes refugees who are legally approved to come to Australia by aeroplane.
Australia receives around 13,500 refugees every year under the UNHCR Agreement, and UNHCR ranked Australia 46th for hosting refugees. Most of them resettled in big cities, such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. We, OOO (나의 지역) receive around 150-170 refugees every year, and ****Multicultural Services, where I am working, is the organization that is supporting new arrivals' settlement in OOO.

The journey to become a refugee is not easy at all. It is very dangerous and involves the loss of physical and emotional safety, facing death or the separation of family and friends, witnessing horrors, being forced to leave home, experiencing physical injury, torture, violence, political harassment, poverty, and poor nutrition.
The majority of people from Nepal had lived in a refugee camp for more than 20 years. Their daily life was controlled by UNHCR. They were provided shelter, food, and education, but it was a very limited opportunity. Imagine, 20 years in a very small tent with all family members without proper facilities and no security.

Many people from Myanmar struggle for their lives in Malaysia or Thailand. They hide their status, working 12 to 16 hours a day to survive from a very young age but have to give most of their money to use as a bribe for corrupt police officers to secure their safety. Young men have to work on fishing boats where every day people go missing and are killed by the owner of the boat to fill it with more fish. How brutal it is!
Some of my African clients state that they witnessed their mom or dad's death, their bodies chopped like animals in front of them by the government army. In those situations, who would not seek a safe place for the rest of their lives?
I have faced many critical questions from various people living in Australia who have not experienced these life-threatening situations. Why do you support refugees? What do you think about the refugee policy? As taxpayers, do you think it's fair for us to pay their settlement costs? Refugees are not helpful in this society; they are not working, just depending on government payments.

Every time I get challenged by these questions, I say, I don't want to argue with politics; I don’t know if the policy and international agreement are right or wrong, I don’t know what social justice is on both sides, the advantages or disadvantages of the current policy. BUT I DO KNOW, you could think differently if you put yourself in their shoes.

Now, close your eyes, please. You have fled from your government or army; if you go back to your country, you will be killed. So you decide to escape by boat, knowing how dangerous it is, but it's the only way to survive. Now you and your family are on board a small boat with no space to move and no food. It's very dark, and suddenly huge waves hit, many people are thrown, and you find your dead boy on the beach... Are you still going to complain about giving them the opportunity to live? Put yourself in their shoes first.

Thank you.


Evaluator의 Feedback

글의 구조: 도입부에 사진을 보여줌으로써 난민들이 왜 그 나라를 떠나야 했는지, 여정이 얼마나 험난하고 위험한지, 그리고 마지막 오픈 질문과 연관되어 인도적인 차원에서 난민에 대한 생각을 할 수 있게 연결시킨 점 매우 훌륭함
본문: 사실정보/데이터를 바탕으로 한 설명으로 난민에 대한 이해도와 현황 파악에 매우 도움이 되었음. 전하고자 하는 메시지가 확실했음.

결말먼저 청중에게 조용히 눈을 감으라 시키고 질문을 던져 스스로 생각할 수 있는 시간을 줌으로써 오늘의 메시지를 다시 한번 되돌아볼 수 있는 시간을 갖게 해 줌.. 질문 시, 목소리의 톤과 크기를 바꾸어 말함으로써 청중들 자신이 꼭 살아야겠다는 의지를 가지고 탈출하는 난민의 한 사람이 된 것 같은 상황이 연출되어 청중을 스피치 안으로 잘 끌어들임.
시간: 745, 45초 초과됨

향상시킬 점: 연단에만 서있지 말고 앞으로 옆으로 조금씩 움직여 청중의 시선을 골고루 받을 것. 스크립트는 백업일 뿐, 그대로 옮기지 않아도 됨. 스피치의 서론, 본론, 결론 큰 주제를 잘 파악하고 그를 지지하는 주장을 구조화하여 암기하면, 본인의 말로 옮겨져 더 자연스럽게 나올 수 있음. 단, 많은 훈련이 필요함. 



마지막으로 한번 더, 빵야~~

이 스피치는 오지 언니가 돕고 있는 난민들에 대해 그 이해도를 높이기 위해 작성한 것입니다. 안타까운 아이의 사진을 보여주고, 청중들이 그들의 입장이 되어 보게 하는 상황을 연출함으로써, 이성보다는 감성을 자극하려고 노력했죠. 이젠 여러분이 하는 일, 왜 그 일을 하게 되었는지, 그 일을 통해 어떤 가치와 비전을 가지고 있는지 등등 한번 작성해 보세요. 먼저 작성한 나를 소개하는 글과 이 글을 잘 매칭시키면 어디에서든 내 소개는 문제가 없답니다.



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